Best WordPress Plugins for Automatic Internal Linking

Improve your website’s SEO with these top WordPress plugins for automatic internal linking. Learn more about internal linking and the benefits of these plugins.

Internal linking is an important aspect of search engine optimization (SEO) that helps to improve the user experience on your website and boost your website’s ranking in search results. However, manually adding internal links to your content can be time-consuming and tedious. Fortunately, there are several WordPress plugins available that can automate the process of internal linking. In this article, we will discuss some of the best WordPress plugins for automatic internal linking.

1. Yoast SEO

Yoast SEO is a popular WordPress plugin that offers a range of SEO features, including automatic internal linking. With Yoast SEO, you can define a set of keywords and URLs that you want to use for internal linking, and the plugin will automatically add those links to your content. The plugin also offers a feature that allows you to specify which pages should be excluded from automatic linking.

2. Link Whisper

Link Whisper is a powerful internal linking plugin that uses artificial intelligence to suggest relevant internal links for your content. The plugin analyzes your content and suggests links based on your chosen keywords and phrases. You can also use Link Whisper to add internal links to your content manually.

3. Internal Link Juicer

Internal Link Juicer is another popular internal linking plugin that allows you to automatically add internal links to your content. With Internal Link Juicer, you can define a set of rules that the plugin will follow when adding internal links, such as the number of links to add per post and the minimum and maximum number of words in a link anchor text.

4. Auto Internal Links

Auto Internal Links is a simple yet effective internal linking plugin that allows you to automatically add internal links to your content based on keywords and phrases that you specify. The plugin also offers a feature that allows you to exclude certain posts or pages from automatic linking.

5. SEO Auto Linker

SEO Auto Linker is a lightweight plugin that automatically adds internal links to your website’s content based on user-specified keywords. With the exclusion feature, you can even customize the internal linking process further by excluding specific posts or pages.

6. WP Internal Links Lite

WP Internal Links Lite is a free internal linking plugin that allows you to automatically add internal links to your content based on keywords and phrases that you specify. The plugin also offers a feature that allows you to exclude certain posts or pages from automatic linking.

7. Contextual Related Posts

Contextual Related Posts is a WordPress plugin that displays related posts based on tags or categories and automatically adds internal links to your content using the same tags or categories.

8. Inline Related Posts

Inline Related Posts is a powerful WordPress plugin that allows you to display related posts within your content. The plugin also offers a feature that allows you to automatically add internal links to your content based on related posts.

9. SmartCrawl SEO

SmartCrawl SEO is a comprehensive SEO plugin that offers a range of features, including automatic internal linking. With SmartCrawl SEO, you can define a set of keywords and URLs that you want to use for internal linking, and the plugin will automatically add those links to your content. The plugin also offers a feature that allows you to exclude certain posts or pages from automatic linking.

10. SEO Internal Links

SEO Internal Links is a simple internal linking plugin that allows you to automatically add internal links to your content based on keywords and phrases that you specify. The plugin also offers a feature that allows you to exclude certain posts or pages from automatic linking.


For successful SEO, it is imperative to prioritize internal linking, and automatic internal linking plugins can help to save time and ensure that your content is properly linked. While all of the plugins listed above offer similar functionality, there are some differences in terms of features and pricing.

If you are looking for a powerful internal linking plugin that uses artificial intelligence to suggest relevant links, then Link Whisper may be a good choice. However, if you prefer a simpler plugin that allows you to define your own keywords and URLs for internal linking, then Yoast SEO or SEO Auto Linker may be a better fit.

Before installing any automatic internal linking plugin, it is important to make sure that it is compatible with your version of WordPress and that it does not conflict with any other plugins or themes that you are using.

Overall, using an automatic internal linking plugin can help to improve the SEO and user experience of your website, and can save you time and effort in the process.


  1. What is automatic internal linking in WordPress, and why is it important? Automatic internal linking is the process of linking relevant pages or posts on your WordPress website automatically. This helps to improve website navigation and user experience, as well as boost search engine optimization (SEO) by creating a more organized and interlinked website structure. It is important because it helps visitors easily find related content and helps search engines crawl and index your website more effectively.
  2. What are the best WordPress plugins for automatic internal linking? There are several popular plugins available for automatic internal linking in WordPress, including:
  • Yoast SEO: This is a popular SEO plugin that includes an automatic internal linking feature that suggests relevant internal links as you create new content.
  • Internal Link Juicer: This plugin allows you to set up rules for internal linking based on specific keywords or phrases, and automatically adds links to relevant content.
  • Link Whisper: This plugin uses artificial intelligence to suggest internal links as you write content, and also includes features like broken link checking and keyword research.
  • Interlinks Manager: This plugin allows you to set up custom rules for internal linking based on specific post types, categories, or tags, and automatically adds links to relevant content.
  • SEO Auto Linker: This plugin allows you to set up custom rules for internal linking based on specific keywords or phrases, and automatically adds links to relevant content.
  1. How do I install a WordPress plugin for automatic internal linking? To install a WordPress plugin for automatic internal linking, follow these steps:
  • Log in to your WordPress dashboard
  • Navigate to the Plugins section and click “Add New”
  • Search for the plugin you want to install
  • Click “Install Now” and then “Activate” once the installation is complete
  • Configure the plugin settings according to your preferences
  1. Can I customize the automatic internal linking rules with these plugins? Yes, most of the plugins for automatic internal linking in WordPress allow you to customize the internal linking rules based on your specific needs. For example, you can set up rules based on specific keywords or phrases, post types, categories, tags, and more. This allows you to have more control over the internal linking on your website and ensure that the links are relevant and beneficial to your visitors.
  2. Are there any downsides to using automatic internal linking plugins in WordPress? While automatic internal linking plugins can be helpful for improving website navigation and SEO, there are some potential downsides to be aware of. For example, if the plugin is not configured properly or if the rules are too strict, it could result in irrelevant or unnecessary internal links that could confuse or annoy your visitors. Additionally, some plugins may slow down your website if they are not optimized for performance. It is important to carefully choose and configure the plugin to avoid these issues.

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